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Solicitation After a Car Accident Is Illegal

Sept. 30, 2020

After a car accident, there are a multitude of things you need to figure out. You must find out what you will be driving if your car is inoperable, dealing with the injuries sustained, etc. A reputable attorney can help you deal with all the issues involved.

Unfortunately, after an accident, there may be individuals who will try to contact you without your consent and offer to help with your case. These individuals might claim to work for an attorney but more often not they don't. This practice is called soliciting, commonly known as ambulance chasing, and it is ILLEGAL.

To make matters worse, these are the cases that tend to be mishandled and the accident victim loses adequate relief. Over the years I have spoken to many individuals who were victims of solicitors and their stories are almost universal. A random person either calls or shows up at their doorstep and this person offers their services and promises the stars and the moon. After the individual signs a contract they are pushed off from person to person while never getting the attention they need and deserve. Many times, they do not get to meet an attorney, if there is one. Eventually, the victim’s case is closed without them obtaining proper relief.

After an accident, you deserve to be represented by a reputable attorney that will give you the attention you deserve. It is important to research any potential attorney as well as ask for references and look for references online. A reputable attorney will give you the opportunity to reach out to their office and most importantly set up a consultation to speak to him or her directly.