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What To Expect After A Car Accident Part 2

Pre-Litigation March 22, 2022
  1. Pre-Litigation Phase

    1. Treatment

      1. A car or truck accident happens in the blink of an eye, it is over before you knew it started. However, the aftermath of a crash can last forever. Once you have made the correct decision to hire an experienced personal injury attorney (a.k.a. Miguel Salazar), it will be time to start looking forward. Truck accidents affect everyone differently. Even in the same accident, it can happen where one party has more serious injuries than the other. This is why it is important to get an evaluation from an experienced medical provider. You may ask yourself, is the Emergency Room enough? The answer is a firm, no. The way I see it is that an ER's main interest is to get you out the door patched up and alive. Your long-term care is not a priority. This is why after an accident you must go get an evaluation from an experienced medical provider that will prioritize your health for the years to come. A personal injury attorney will help you get the medical attention you deserve without burdening you with the up-front costs.

      2. The effects of a car accident are not always immediately apparent. In fact, the opposite is true. Often injuries from a car crash don't manifest until days after. What may seem like a small nagging pain can persist and turn into something that seriously impairs your daily life. This does not always mean a serious impairment such that you can't walk, but a pain that can slow you down to a crawl sometimes. You will still be able to be productive but with considerable pain, as you go. However, if you act early, a medical provider can help improve your pain and make it so that you are better in the present but also in the long term. A Personal Injury Attorney will explain to you how important it is for you to follow the recommendations from your doctors. This is important, first and foremost, for your health but also to prove up your case.

    2. Formal Demand

      1. After a car or truck accident, a personal injury attorney will ask you to take care of your health and let them take care of everything else. In large part, this means dealing with the insurance companies. While technically any claim you file is against the individual who caused the accident. The reality is that most individuals do not have the financial resources to pay for the damages caused. This is why we are all required to have insurance coverage. Insurance companies are there to cover your damages but do not expect them to come with their arms wide open. Ultimately, insurance companies are in the business of making money not paying it to you. This is why you need an experienced personal injury attorney on your side. An attorney will help you recover damages to your property to start and as a courtesy. Truth be told this part is simpler because property damage is generally easier to assess. The hard part is damage to your person. A personal injury attorney will help you get the medical treatment you need in order to send a formal demand to the insurance companies.

    3. Negotiating and reaching a settlement

      1. Once a demand is sent then the negotiating is next. In this stage, we are only dealing with the insurance companies not formally with the courts. An experienced personal injury attorney will settle most cases in this stage. After a truck accident, no one can undo what has already happened. The aftermath cannot be undone. So the next best thing a personal injury attorney can do for you is to get you the compensation you deserve. This includes getting you compensation for the cost that you have incurred and those that with high probability you will incur, but also for your pain and suffering. What this amount will be, depends on many factors. A personal injury attorney will take all factors into consideration as they negotiate your case and eventually make a recommendation to you. The vast majority of cases are settled in this stage if you hire an experienced personal injury attorney. The key is to get the right representation. If you or someone you know was a victim of a car or truck accident, call us for a free consultation. SI TE CHOCO UN CAMION HABLALE A MIGUELON